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16. July 2019

Due to the strong smoke the fire at the bottom of the 1st fjord, northeast of Sisimiut, we advise not to use this part of the route between Sisimiut and Kangerlussuaq, the Arctic Circle Trail, between Kangerluarsuk Tulleq (1. Fjord) and Eqalugaarniarfik (Oles Lakseelv).
We recommend using alternative routes between Kangerluarsuk Tulleq and Eqalugaarniarfik through Sarfannguit. The route is marked with red markings stone cairn (see the picture), which you should be aware of.

Best regards - Qeqqata Kommunia fire department

Telefon: (299) 384 113 | Mobiltelefon: (299) 530 113